Apprenticeship Scheme

We made the decision early on to support the apprenticeship scheme within our business. Lucy, as the director, started out as an apprenticeship and made the decision to pass on the same opportunities to others, as she learnt so much. By hiring an apprentice, we are helping to fight back unemployment and build a future workforce.

At Simplex, we are devoted to helping young people grow through proper support and training.

Attracting the best new talent there is to offer

Most people who choose the apprenticeship route are hoping to improve their skills in a specific work sector e.g. Accountancy. This means that we can train young people up to have professional qualification which can set them up for life. A great thing for Simplex is that we find members of the team who are not familiar with a working environment, meaning they cannot transmit over any old work ‘habits’ and can be tailored and trained to our standards. This is perfect for fresh ideas and thinking outside of the box.

During an apprenticeship, the apprentice is fully supported and has 20% off the job training too, to further develop themselves. We see most apprentices really eager to work, showing motivation and skill, whilst learning towards being qualified.

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